CMH Peugeot East Rand is aware of the importance of road safety regardless of who is driving. But female drivers must be extra careful on the road as they are generally soft targets for fellow road users.
Unfortunately, we cannot anticipate every emergency circumstance that may arise. Therefore, CMH Peugeot East Rand compiled 5 precautionary driving tips to ensure your safety.
1. Stay alert and always observe the surrounding
Be aware of anyone or anything that appears out of the ordinary before entering or exiting your vehicle.
2. Easy access to keys
It is advisable to keep your keys in a location where they’ll be easy to find. Keep them close but out of sight so you can reach for them quickly without becoming distracted.
3. Stay calm and remember the rest of the driving safety tips
When confronted with a potentially dangerous situation, do your best to remain calm and composed.
4. Put your right foot forward

A less obvious obstacle for women comes footwear. While heels look pretty, they can get trapped under pedals and affect your ability to manage the clutch or brake. It is necessary to keep a spare pair of flats driving-friendly shoes in the car with a medium sole that has enough grip to prevent slipping and enough feel to maintain proper pressure.
5. Avoid distractions
As it can be tempting to take your eyes off the road for a second or two, ensure you have all the necessities you need to avoid any possible distractions while driving. CMH Peugeot East Rand urges you not to ignore minor issues, take safety precautions into consideration and travel as safely as possible.

Visit CMH Peugeot East Rand @ 143 North Rand Road Boksburg to find out more about other safety features that our models offer.